5 Minute Mindfulness
For nearly 20 years, 5 Minute Mindfulness (5MM) has been used to train educators, school professionals, parents, students and coaches on evidence-based strategies for enhancing trauma-informed best practices with practical techniques for improving resiliency, decreasing stress and honing mindfulness techniques appropriate for K12 students.
Participants learn the evidence and research base behind mindfulness and mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), recent research on the most successful implementation strategies of mindfulness in the classroom setting and practical activities that can be deployed in 5 minutes or less.
The evidence-based curriculum "5 Minute Mindfulness" (5MM) was originally written and deployed by Robyn Hussa Farrell in a clinical setting specifically in eating disorder and substance use treatment centers and outpatient clinics between the years 2007-2012. A special chapter was contributed by Hussa Farrell to “Yoga and Eating Disorders: Ancient Healing for Modern Illness” by Carolyn Costin and Joe Kelly.
Since 2010, Hussa has been leading train-the-trainer workshops for professionals, clinicians and educators to safely and appropriate deploy the 5MM program. To date, over 5,000 educators have utilized the model after participating in 3-day resiliency training led by the University of South Carolina Upstate Child Protection Training Center. Hussa Farrell served as the mindfulness / MBSR presenter between 2016-2019 and trained trainers how to deliver the model with fidelity.

Through post program surveys, participants shared:
93% were more confident in their ability to practice self care and mindfulness
91% were more confident in their ability to lead a mindfulness activity for a student
94% were more likely to bring the 5 minute mindfulness curriculum into their school/work to build resilience in students
94% found that participating in the trainings was a good use of time
94% recommend this mindfulness/self care training to other professionals in their field

The digital version of the 5MM curriculum was deployed through Sharpen starting in 2017 and has reached over 20,000 audience members varying from parents to educators to students and veterans.
As a result, today educators can receive the full training on 5MM in Sharpen Professional Development, along with plug-and-play mindfulness videos that are peer-focused and strength-based.
Our most popular way to deploy 5MM is through our printed postcards with over 45 designs - each includes a mindfulness exercise from the 5MM curriculum. To order, click here.

Dozens of research studies are currently underway utilizing 5MM in multiple formats (synchronous and asynchronous implementation strategies).
For a complete list of the research, please click here.
As an after-school resilience program for pre-K children (Bauer et al, 2019)
For school athletes (Patrizi et al, 2020)
To enhance emotional wellness of foster parents (Biber, 2022) and educators (Bauer et al, 2022)
As a mental health literacy tool for college students (Biber, 2022) and medical students (Fadel et al, 2019)
For veterans and their spouses (Burnette et al, 2017)

Today educators can receive the full training on 5MM in Sharpen Professional Development, along with plug-and-play mindfulness videos that are peer-focused and strength-based.